Suntech attended MEE SAUDI 2019

Market Overview
Saudi Arabia has been promoting the development of renewable energy sources since 2017. According to its national renewable energy program Vision 2030, Saudi Arabia plans to develop the PV installation capacity to 40 GW by 2030. This signifies a market demand of approximately 3.3 GW per year during the period of 2018-2029.

Saudi Arabia is located in the Arabian Peninsula, with a desert climate throughout. Since the summer in Saudi Arabia lasts up to seven months, local annual mean sunshine exposure can reach 2,200-2,400 kWh/sq.m. As one of the countries with the best lighting conditions in the world, Saudi Arabia is ideal for PV industry development.

Suntech’s Performance
Suntech’s anti-fouling PERC modules have been well received by the Middle East market which help to effectively reduce dust accumulation and the cost of surface cleaning. This brings great benefits to customers in the Middle East.

Suntech started it business footprint early in the Middle East region. In 2008, Suntech won the bid for the Masdar Eco-city project near Abu Dhabi, capital of the United Arab Emirates. 5 MW of 18,288 pieces of Suntech high-efficiency polycrystalline modules were supplied to the project. Upon completion, the project has offered stable power output for 2,400 residential households of Masdar City. This fantastic project has cut carbon emissions by 7,500t per year.

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